Marcelle Mansour’s Art in English Media

December, 2024, Marcelle Mansour’s Artwork ” Brilliant Women Faces ” published in the Contemporary Celebrity Masters Vol 6, 2024 and in the Catalogue of ” International Prize Artists at the Jubilee”, organized by the Effetto Arte Foundation.



December 2024,  Marcelle Mansour’s Artworks are published in the book of “Excellent Art” Vol. 4 2024”, Editor Gabriele Walter. Link:



November, 2024, Marcelle Mansour’s Artwork ” The Angels Symphony of Peace” published in the Catalogue ” Biennale of Creativity”, “Biennale of Nations” in the very prestigious “Heart of Italy” Ferrara, organized by the Effetto Arte Foundation.


October 2024,  Marcelle Mansour’s Artwork ” Abundance”  published in the book of 5th International Biennale in Barcelona,  held at MEAM Museum, organized by the Effetto Arte Foundation.


October 2024,  Marcelle Mansour’s Artworks ” The Angel’s Symphony of Peace” and “Abundance” are published in the book of “The Premier Artist Prize 2024”, The Prestigious Award by Contemporary Art Station is given as a distinction reserved for only 50 artists .



October, 2024, Marcelle Mansour’s painting,” Self-Portrait, COVID- 19 Worldwide Lockdown Jail Feeling”, featured in the book, ‘The Best Contemporary Masters, V. 5,  2024″,  Also featured in the catalogue of “International Prize Velazquez & Goya” 2024, curated by Dr. Salvatore Russo and Dr. Francesco Russo,  Effetto Arte Fondazione.



October 2024, Marcelle Mansour’s work “Abundance” displayed at Underground Oxford Circus and Leicester Square Exhibition and Published in the Artist Talk Magazine.



September 2024, Marcelle Mansour’s artwork ” The Angel’s Symphony of Peace”‘ Art Review is published in the Art book of The Future of Art Global Masterpiece Award  by Contemporary Art Curator Magazine.


September 2024, Marcelle Mansour’s artwork ” Abundance” published in the Sanremo Biennale Catalogue by Effetto Arte Fondazione.



July, 2024, Marcelle Mansour’s painting” The Angel’s Symphony of Peace”,  featured in the book,  ‘The Best Contemporary Artists 2024″,  curated by Dr. Salvatore Russo and Dr. Francesco Russo,  Effetto Arte Fondazione.



July 2024, Marcelle Mansour’s artworks “The Red Poppy” and “Abundnce” are feature in the art Anthology, “The Great Masters of Light”, published by  Academia ” Italia In Arte Nel Mondo” Associazione Culturale.




June 2024, Marcelle Mansour’s work ” The Angel’s Symphony of Peace”, “Abundance” and “The Red Poppy” are displayed at the Times Square NY C and Published in the Artist Talk Magazine.



June, 2024, Marcelle Mansour’s painting” The Rebirth of the Palestinian Phoenix”” was published in the Catalogue of the “international Prize Phoenix for the Arts” and ” the Contemporary Celebrity Masters” VOL III 2024, curated by Dr. Salvatore Russo and Dr. Francesco Russo.



April 2024, Marcelle Mansour’s work ” Th Angel’s Symphony of Peace” is published in the book of 2025 Visionaries: Artists Shaping The Future. Creative Catalysts for Change: The Artistic Activism by Contemporary Art Curator Magazine. Link :



March, 2024, Marcelle Mansour’s painting “The Red Poppy” was published in the catalogue of  “ Women’s Essence Show 2024”, held in Barcelona, at Valid World Hall Gallery, curated by Lika Spivakovska.




February 2024, Marcelle Mansour’s painting titled “The Angel’s Symphony of Peace” was published in the catalogue of “Los Angeles Special Market 24 Investment Proposal ”, given for artistic value , curated by Dr. Francesco and Dr. Salvatore Russo.


January 2024, Marcelle Mansour’s painting titled “The Angel’s Symphony of Peace”, published on the front cover together with the professional editorial and the interview inside the book Cover of Contemporary Celebrity Masters 2024 Volume 1. curated by Dr. Salvatore Russo and Dr. Francesco Russo.  The ceremony at the Palazzo Borghese in Florence Italy.


December 2023, Marcelle Mansour’s work “Heritage”, is displayed at the 46th and 47th St, the Times Square NY C,  and Published in the Artist Talk Magazine.



December 2023, Marcelle’ Mansour’s Digital painting “Patience” featured in the Art book of  MEDUSA, International Art Bienniale “The Age of Gods”,  published by – Accademia ” Italia In Arte Nel Mondo” Associazione Culturale.



September 2023, Marcelle Mansour, International Art Prize of “Harmony of Humanity”, The Global Consciousness Art Prize. Artworks “Abundance” and “The Red Poppy” were published in the book of Contemporary Art Collectors, Art Book Vol. 1



September 2023, Marcelle Mansour‘s artworks, “Heritage”, “My Mandarin” and “Hope for Peace”  published in the “CONTEMPORARY CELEBRITY MASTERS” Vol. V. curated by Effetto Arte Fondazione.



September 2023, Artwork “Abundance” published  online and in the catalogue of Biancoscuro Art Contest, Monte-Carlo Bay, in the Principality of Monaco.

Marcelle Mansour



July 2023, Marcelle Mansour‘s award received, the “International Prize Michelangelo – The Genius of Italy”.  The Light Art of “IMMORTALITY” is curated by Dr Salvatore Russo and Dr Francesco Russo and published in the “CONTEMPORARY CELEBRITY MASTERS” Vol. IV. The Presentation ceremony was held on 22nd of July 2023 at the Teatro Italia.


June 2023, Marcelle Mansour‘s artwork “Abundance” published in the World Wide Art online magazine issue 12, Page 60.

World Wide Art Magazine #12


July 2023, Marcelle Mansour‘s Artworks, “Heritage” and “Passion” are published in the Art book of  International Contemporary Masters XV by World Wide Arts Books.



July 2023, Marcelle Mansour‘s award received, the “International Prize Michelangelo – The Genius of Italy”.  The Light Art of “IMMORTALITY” is curated by Dr Salvatore Russo and Dr Francesco Russo and published in the “CONTEMPORARY CELEBRITY MASTERS” Vol. IV. The Presentation ceremony was held on 22nd of July 2023 at the Teatro Italia.


July 2023, Marcelle Mansour‘s award received, the” STAR OF ART AND MARKET”. The Light Art of “Quantum Consciousness Mind” was curated by Dr Salvatore Russo and Dr Francesco Russo and published in the “CONTEMPORARY CELEBRITY MASTERS” Vol. IV. The Presentation ceremony was held on 22nd of July 2023 at the Teatro Italia.


June 2023, Marcelle Mansour’s work ” The Gaze” is published in the “Enter into Art” book, ‘Magic of La Boheme’ (Homage to the Bohemian and to Paris).


Marcelle Mansour’s work “Abundance” was featured in NY with custom social media campaign that highlights the work along with Artist’s biography on Instagram Video


Marcelle Mansour’s artwork  titled “Abundance” was published in the prestigious annual art book “Artisti’ 23”, curated by Dr Salvatore Russo and Dr Francesco Russo. The exhibition and the presentation ceremony of the International Art project of the “ARTISTI ’23 took place in Ximenes Panciatichi Palace in FLORENCE, ITALY.


Marcelle Mansour, International Art Prize of “Faces for Peace”. Artworks “Hope for Peace” and “Heritage” were published in the book of Contemporary Art Curator Magazine in June 2023.


Marcelle Mansour, “TOP ARTISTS Prize” and “PEGASUS International Prize”.  The official Award Ceremony took place at SCUOLA GRANDE of San Teodoro, in Venice. The Portrait titled “the Wise” was  published in the CONTEMPORARY CELEBRITY MASTERS VOL 3, curated by Dr Salvatore Russo and Dr Francesco Russo for the recognition of 30 Selected International Artists.


Marcelle Mansour, “PEGASUS International Prize” and the “TOP ARTISTS Prize”.  The official Award Ceremony took place at SCUOLA GRANDE of San Teodoro, in Venice. The Light Art Painting titled  “Chair” was  published in the CONTEMPORARY CELEBRITY MASTERS VOL 3, curated by Dr Salvatore Russo and Dr Francesco Russo for the recognition of 30 Selected International Artists.


“50 Artists to Invest In”, curated by Dr Salvatore Russo, and Dr Francesco Russo and published in the Contemporary Celebrity Masters Volume II. The Celebration was held in The National Museum of Science and Technology “Leonardo da Vinci” in Milan, Italy.


Marcelle Mansour’s artwork titled “The Red Poppy” received the “5th International Prize Leonardo da Vinci” and published in the art book of “Contemporary Celebrity Masters Volume II”. The Celebration tool place in The National Museum of Science and Technology “Leonardo da Vinci” in Milan, Italy

“Voices of Tomorrow” Art Award, The Contemporary Art Curator Magazine 2023.


Marcelle Mansour, “1st International Prize Donatello”, published in the “Contemporary Celebrity Masters 2023  Vol 1, January 2023.


Marcelle Mansour, 8 pages, Editorial Review Article,  published in the “Contemporary Celebrity Masters 2023  Vol 1, January 2023.




Marcelle Mansour, “The International Prize Barcelona”, published in the Art International Contemporary Magazine, November 2022.



Marcelle Mansour, “Best Modern and Contemporary Artists London Prize”, published in ” Art International Contemporary Magazine”, December, 2022.


Marcelle Mansour, “The International Prize Barcelona”, published in the Art International Contemporary Magazine, November 2022.



Marcelle Mansour, “The International Prize Paris”  published in the Art International Contemporary Magazine, October 2022.



Marcelle Mansour, ATIM’S COLLECTOTR’S CHOICE AWARD, Summer Issue 2022, Published by ArtTour International Magazine, June 2022.


Marcelle Mansour, Power of Creativity (Book) , June 2022, Page 74 – 75. Published by Contemporary Art Curator Magazine.


Marcelle Mansour, ATIM’S Top 60 Masters 2022 (book) curated by Vivian Puello, published by ArtTour International Publications Inc, June 22, 2022, Page 90- 94


Marcelle Mansour, Artist Talk Magazine, Issue 19, Page 10 -15, April 2022. Published by Milne Publishing.


Marcelle Mansour, Art Ideal Magazine, V. 2, Page 74 – 75, March 2022. Published by Circle Foundation For the Art Press.


Marcelle Mansour, ArtTour International, Anniversary Issue 11 Years, Winter Issue, February 2022, Page 22 – 24. Published by ArtTour International Magazine.


Marcelle Mansour, The Gaze, 2021, published in the ‘Circle, Spotlight ’ magazine, Issue 26, Page 104, Dec 2021.


Marcelle Mansour, Energetic Resilience in Transition, 2020,  during the COVID- 19 Lockdown, published in “Spotlight” magazine, Page 108, Issue 24, 2021.



Marcelle Mansour’s artworks in 2020, during the COVID- 19 Lockdown, Published in the ‘Artist Talk’ Magazine, Issue 15, April 2021, Page 166 – 167.


Marcelle Mansour’ artwork “Global Peace Resilience”, published in Artist Talk Magazine, Issue 14, 26 Jan 2021,  link :



Marcelle Mansour’s artwork , “Explore the joy of Conscience” 2019, published in Artist Portfolio Magazine, 10  year Anniversary, Vol 3, link:



Interview by Luca Curci with Marcelle Mansour was published on Itsliquidgroup website:


ART FOR THE MIND  by Marcelle Mansour OAM

Discover the Power of SuperConsiosness Solo Art Exhibition by Marcelle Mansour OAM 26 Oct-5 Nov 2017

Australian-Palestinian Marcelle Mansour’s Cross-Cultural Creative Works Has Seen Her Awarded with an OAM.

On the Queen’s Birthday Honour’s list, 12 June 2017. Thank you so much to The Northern District Times newspaper for contacting me and publishing the article today on Wednesday 2017. Thank you so much to the Editor-in-Chief Colin Kerr and the efficient journalist John Besley. My warm regards to the excellent journalist team of Northern District area and Daily Telegraph. Link:




 “The Splendour of Super-Consious Mind” Art exhibition by Marcelle Mansour , exposed to Virtual Reality, atArt takes Manhattan Fair, Freize Art Week, May 2017, in Social Media


Art takes Manhattan Fair, Freize Art Week, May 2017, in Social Media, “The Splendour of Super Consious Mind” Art exhibition by Marcelle Mansour , exposed to Virtual Reality, Facebook

Art takes Manhattan Fair, Freize Art Week, May 2017, in Social Media, “The Splendour of Super Consious Mind” Art exhibition by Marcelle Mansour , exposed to Virtual Reality, Instagram

Art takes Manhattan Fair, Freize Art Week, May 2017, in Social Media, “The Splendour of Super Consious Mind” Art exhibition by Marcelle Mansour , exposed to Virtual Reality, Twitter

Art takes Manhattan Fair, Freize Art Week May 2017, “The Splendour of Super Consious Mind” Art exhibition by Marcelle Mansour, Arte Fuse.




‘ Treasure Forever’ by Marcelle Mansour 2016…/…/2016/12/ITV-145-.mp3
Thank you so much to Richard Bell for the on air Radio Interview.
Richard Bell from Northside Radio FM99.3 speaking with Marcelle Mansour to discuss the exhibition opening at Art Space Concourse 7 Dec, 2016.
“Thanks for joining Northside Radio FM99.3 the northshore’s fm99.3 to discuss your exhibition opening at Art Space Concourse December 7.
As a major local multicultural event launch by Multiculturalism Minister John Ajaka, Treasurer Gladys Berejiklian his Excellency Dr Izzat Abdulhadi Ambassador of Palestine and artist Pamela Griffith, it was great to review. On behalf of listeners, thanks as well for your encouragement to pursue their passions in local artistic cultural and community participation.” Richard Bell – Chair of Northside Radio.


‘ Treasure Forever’ by Portraitist Marcelle Mansour

Treasure Forever is  a New Solo Art Exhibition by Portraitist Artist Marcelle Mansour

will be opening on Wednesday 7 December 2016 at Art Space on the Concourse, Chatswood

Arts Portrays Unity:  Northern District Times News Local. NEWS 15,  Page 15,  NORTH RYDE. Wednesday, November 30, 2016.



Please click on links to read

Peace Education

Art’s Role in Peacebuilding Discussed in Australia , An Art Exhibition of Light & Perception and Seminar by Marcelle Mansour

Written by UPF-Australia

Monday, April 6, 2015

01-photo of the meeting 02- Presentation Of Peace building through Light and Perception by Marcelle Mansour 04-Photo with new Ambassadors for Peace 05-Group photo

Sydney, Australia—The bimonthly meeting of Australian Ambassadors for Peace focused on the theme “Creating a Culture of Peace through Art.”

More than 70 Ambassadors for Peace, UPF supporters, members and guests attended the meeting on Easter Monday, April 6, 2015, at the Oceania Peace Embassy in Sydney.

Aila Willitts, president of the Australian branch of UPF sister organization Women’s Federation for World Peace, was the emcee.

Aboriginal elder Ciaron Dunn began the meeting with an Acknowledgment of Country. Then Greg Stone, regional secretary general of UPF-Oceania, spoke on the “Theory of Art” based on teachings of UPF Founder Dr. Sun Myung Moon.

Guest speaker Marcelle Mansour, a well-known Australian artist, writer, poet, journalist, and publisher, spoke about her contemporary artwork, “Threshold,” which uses light for healing, renewal, birth and the promotion of world peace. Several of her artworks were prominently displayed on the stage, with the hall deliberately dimmed throughout the evening to showcase the light effects. Her background is from the Palestinian area of Gaza, and from this homeland of conflict and suffering she could aspire to promote healing. She noted that the word “gauze” (used universally in the bandaging of wounds) originates from her birthplace.

The attendees were then treated to the UPF youth performing the Beatles’ classic song “Let It Be.”

As always, the evening featured the sharing of food and good company with like-minded people of good will irrespective of backgrounds, ethnicity, and religion.


Art’s Role in Peacebuilding held at UPF Australia:

“Art, Light and World Peace”, Seminar & Art Exhibition with special Guest Speaker Marcelle Mansour on 6th April 2015. The event program is a part of the International Year of Light Australia 2015.


Universal Peace Federation Ambassadors For Peace, The Power of Art in Promoting Peace. Art Exhibition and Seminar, Guest Speaker Marcelle Mansour    Art, Light and World Peace. Seminar & Art Exhibition with special Guest Speaker Marcelle Mansour.6 April 2015, is a part of International Year of Light




The Power of Art in Promoting Peace

Marcelle Mansour’s Artist Talk received the

UPF’s Ambassador for Peace Award

By Marcelle Mansour
The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) hosted my solo art exhibition named “Threshold” on Monday the 6th April 2015 at the UPF Embassy (826 George Street, Sydney.NSW) during their seminar event of the Ambassadors for Peace Meeting, to promote the world peace through my art of light and perception as a part of the 2015 UNESCO International Year of Light program. I was invited as a guest speaker to display my artworks and to present an Artist’s Talk titled “Art, Light and World Peace.” The Seminar was professionally organised by Mrs. Catrine Van Dinklage, UPF Events Coordinator. Mrs. Aila Willitts, the Women’s Federation for World Peace Australia performed the role of a fantastic MC who is very skilled at providing a genuinely unique atmosphere. The event was attended by a large number of UPF’s Ambassadors for Peace in Australia from various ethnic backgrounds with their families and friends including the Australian Iraqi, Mr. Hormiz Eshoo, and Dr. Alaa Alawadi together with his wife Mrs. Nadia Alawadi and his son Mr. Sultan Alawadi,
Mr Greg Stone first delivered a significant screen presentation titled “Creating a culture of Peace through Art”, explaining about the role and the power of art in promoting peace, which can be summed up as follows: The mission of UPF is dedicated to building a world of peace through the five principles of God, spirituality, family, service, and unity, for peace comes through cooperation beyond the boundaries of authenticity, religion, and nationality. In regards to the absolute values and the reassessment of the contemporary world, we notice that the natural and social order are suffering from violence and injury that lead to growing cause for despair. Mr. Stone talked about the unification thought of theory of art that seeks to view art in acceptance with the fundamental principles of God. God is a great Artist and the universe is His work of art for there is a resemblance between the images of human beings and God. There is also an essential relationship between art and ethics and true beauty can only be established on the basis of true love.
This was followed by my artist’s talk, accompanied by my poetry reading of “Spiritual Dialogue with Light” and screen presentation of my artworks. These are some extracts of the text of my speech given at UPF: “Threshold Art Exhibition Threshold Art Exhibition was created to be exhibited over the two years of 2014 & 2015, for it has coincided with the world‘s commemorating the centenary of the First World War, along with UN declaring 2014 as the ‘Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People’. The exhibition is also coinciding and celebrating the 2015 International Year of Light in Australia as a part of the year calendar that is a mix of business, education, art, and science to celebrate the importance of light in our life. Threshold Art Exhibition first won the competition to be included in the international art show of ‘Year In Review Two Thousand Thirteen Competition” in York Space, New York City, USA March 2014. It was also exhibited in Bankstown Arts Centre in April 2014, and in Mary MacKillop Museum from 10th December 2014 to 30th March 2015.”
“Through my art, I present a kind of an intersection between me, my identity, my country cause, the history and the world. In my vision, I visualize the reality of the world. For, in fact, works of art do not represent reality, and the real world, rather, art creates realities and worlds. That is why art is central to politics and to social relationships, for works of art can transform common perceptions and they can transfigure experiences and take part in our continual remaking of the world…..In this context, I hope for politicians to be a little bit creative and spiritual. For, if they were creative and spiritual, they can lead the world in a better way. There is no doubt that politicians and community leaders need spiritual guidance. Spiritual leaders need to redirect and re-educate the new generation regarding the actual purpose of faith. We really need a kind of deep transformation which will make a radical change to enable us to recreate the world’s reality… Art has the power to encourage peace and to urge people to be anti-war, anti-violence, anti-terrorism, anti-genocide and anti-oppressing nations…Finally, I hope that my artwork may inspire Individuals, politicians and community leaders; to change, to transform, to cross the threshold of perception through contemplating and reshaping the reality of the world towards recreating universal humanity that working for love and peace.”
Four people from various nationalities were appointed as Ambassadors for Peace and they received the Ambassador for Peace Award including the Public Affairs Director in Sydney, Ms. Churlya Wurfel, I – the writer of this journalistic report – (Marcelle Mansour) and Maurice Mansour. It was a delightful surprise to see my husband Maurice is getting an award for his encouragement and his great support for my art career. The seminar event was highlighted by the performance of an interesting music band with the composer/artist Mr. Chihiro Midorikawa, the Secretary-General of UPF. Light refreshments and drink were served and the ceremony concluded with the networking of empowered ambassadors for peace.
I would like to thank the UPF members who participated in the seminar, in particular, the UPF President Mr. Greg Stone, the UPF Event Coordinator Ms. Catrine Van Dinklage, Women’s Federation for World Peace Australia Mrs. Aila Willitts. I would also like to extend my thanks to the volunteers from the UPF Youth Group who gave their time and efforts to help in a positive way. A massive thank you for the people who attended the event including Mr. Bedro Hajje, Photographer and 2ME Radio presenter, and all the UPF Ambassadors for Peace who attended the evening for they all shared an enjoyable inspiring evening together and made the event such a great success.

Marcelle Mansour’s “Threshold” Art Exhibition at Mary MacKillop Museum North Sydney, Dec 11 2014 – 30 March 2015. The event program is a part of the International Year of Light Australia 2015

Marcelle Mansour's "Threshold" Art Exhibition at Mary MacKillop Museum North Sydney, Dec 11 2014 - 30 March 2015. is a part of International Year of Light Australia 2015Marcelle Mansour's "Threshold" Art Exhibition at Mary MacKillop Museum North Sydney, Dec 11 2014 - 30 March 2015. is a part of the International Year of Light Australia 2015


Art Aims to create Change is Marcelle Mansour’s “Threshold” Art Exhibition at Mary MacKillop Museum North Sydney. The Northern District Times. 11 Dec 2014 – 30 March 2015. The event program is a part of the International Year of Light Australia 2015. Lifestyle page 31

  • Article rank
  • 10 Dec 2014
  • Northern District Times


RYDE Artist Marcelle Mansour’s Threshold exhibition opens tomorrow (Thursday) at Mary MacKillop Place Museum in North Sydney.

Marcelle Mansour’s Healing and Five Senses. Threshold focuses on spiritual and socio-economic change.

It is the work of contemporary art that has a creative purpose and which is humanly transformative.

It uses light as a material, and perception as a medium to effect healing and to embrace love and peace.

Threshold aims to end the war and to celebrate the rebirth of world peace.

In Threshold, Mrs. Mansour invites visitors to experience the movement of the dynamic shifting colours of light in contemplative surroundings.

The Mary MacKillop Place Museum at Mount St, North Sydney, is a short walk from North Sydney train station and is also accessible by bus services.

Metered parking and parking stations are also available nearby.

The exhibition is open daily from tomorrow until Monday, March 30, next year.

Where: Mary MacKillop Place Museum, 7-11 Mount St, North Sydney

When: December 11 to Monday, March 30, 2015 Time: Open daily 10 am to 4 pm

Info: marymackillop or 8912 4878.

Marcelle Mansour's "Threshold" Art Exhibition at Mary Mackillop Museum, North Sydney. Northern District Times 10th December 2014 Lifestyle P 31
 Marcelle Mansour's "Threshold" Art Exhibition. at Mary MacKillop Museum North Sydney. Northern District Times. 11 Dec 2014 - 30 March 2015

Marcelle Mansour’s Threshold Art Exhibition at Mary MacKillop Museum North Sydney, 11 Dec 2014 -30 March 2015. Art Almanac 29 January 2015. the event program is a part of the International Year of Light Australia 2015


Marcelle Mansour: Threshold

Marcelle Mansour's "Threshold" Art Exhibition at Mary MacKillop Museum North Sydney, Dec 11 2014 - 30 March 2015. Art Almanac   Marcelle Mansour's "Threshold" Art Exhibition at Mary MacKillop Museum North Sydney 11 Dec 2014 - 30 March 2015. Art Almanac

by Naomi Tsvirko – Apr 3, 2015

Artist Marcelle Mansour:

“Mothers should not feel guilty

about pursuing their goals”


Marcelle Mansour's Threshold Art Exhibition 2014. Light-Mixed-Media-Painting-44x33x14cm              Marcelle-Mansour-2014.-Transformation-Light-Mixed-Media-Painting-44x33x14cm              Marcelle Mansour © 1998. The Voice of Liberation, Acrylic on canvas, Painting & Eekphrasis Poetry, 122cmx84cm

Award-winning Australian Palestinian visual artist and writer Marcelle Mansour has enjoyed a successful professional career that spans over three decades, but the mother of four (and grandmother of five) will make no excuses for being a working mum.

Marcelle has been practicing visual arts since the early 1980s, creating representational art including portraits, murals, sceneries and abstract works and says her love of art is to hard to ignore.

“I chose to never give up on my career,” she says proudly. “Since I was a child I loved to paint, I was drawn to the visual arts and even as a mum I could not give it up.”

“Everyone has to make sacrifices and life is about balance. I chose to have a family and devote my time to them but that didn’t mean I stopped working hard on my art. Mothers should not feel guilty about pursuing their goals, because God gives us talent to share with the world, to make it a better place.”

Marcelle’s works have been on exhibit around the globe, just recently her exhibition titled Threshold has been showcased in New York,  Mary MacKillop Museum in North Sydney and at Bankstown Arts Centre.

“In my latest work I use light and perception to create art. It is very enjoyable to make and I have used my latest art to promote world peace, a rebirth for humanity,” she explains.

This theme of “a rebirth of humanity” is just one of the many analogies that Marcelle uses to convey the reoccurring themes that relate to motherhood in her work.

Earlier in her career, Marcelle created a collection of works featuring a female mother figure. The collection called Shifting Hearts features a woman carrying different symbols that relate to identity and transformation.

“I am originally from Palestine and my work represents my home country. In an art work I created called Voice of Liberation, there is a mother figure carrying both the countries I love in her heart – Australia and Palestine. They are both dear to me,” she explains.

Marcelle’s continuous advocacy for peace through her work has earned her the title of Ambassador of Peace by the Universal Peace Federation. Marcelle is set to speak about her latest workThreshold this Monday 6 April at 6.30pm at 836 George Street,

This article is part of El Telegraph Weekend’s ‘Celebrating Mothers’ project in the lead up to Mother’s Day. This project is proudly sponsored by Mancini’s Belfield. 


Mancini’s Belfield are giving away a $100 dinner voucher to three lucky readers. If you’d like to be in the running to treat your mum to a delicious Italian and Woodfired pizza dinner, simply :

  1. In five words describe why your mum is so special on our Facebook page and Tag both El Telegraph Weekend and Mancini’s Belfield with the hashtag #MancinisBelfield
  2. Be sure to like El Telegraph Weekendand Mancini’s Belfield on Facebook.

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Marcelle Mansour’s Artist Talk

is Unique & Universal

By Sarkis Karam

It was a very enjoyable experience to attend a talk today delivered by the creative and brilliant artist Marcelle Mansour at her Threshold Art Exhibition which is still on in Mary MacKillop Place Museum North Sydney. Marcelle explained in depth the drive that inspired her to undertake a new innovative type of art where bravery, imagination and very unique skills are required to get the message across. She underlined her devotion for world peace and for humanitarian relationships that break the barriers of discrimination and sectarianism. Then, she pointed out the meaning she conceives in every art item she displays at her Threshold exhibition while inviting art lovers to allow their vision and senses to interpret every work as their mind sees fit. The title of every work created by Marcelle reflects her brave, tranquil and stimulating message: We are in, Alchemy, Inner Depth, Transfiguration, Heartbeat, Liberation, Threshold, Five Senses, Transformation, Healing, Illumination, The Mandylion, Bread of Life, Portrait and Metamorphosis. They represent light effects and inner motion portraits of meanings that are very much attached to the artist’s roots and life experiences, and in fact, relate to every human being anywhere in the world. The artist concluded her invigorating and inspiring talk with a radiant and moving poem in English followed by another in Arabic which was just as moving and gratifying. The intellect discussion at the end of the session where questions and answers complimented the occasion was simply superb. It was an intellectually rewarding occasion enhanced by the relaxing spiritual surrounding of Mary MacKillop. I wish you, Marcelle, all of the very best of success in your endeavour to promote peace and to advocate the implementation of justice and the protection of human rights.

Marcelle Mansour’s “Threshold” Art Exhibition

at Mary MacKillop Place Museum

Marcelle Mansour’s “Threshold” Art Exhibition at Mary MacKillop Place Museum 10 Dec 2014

Marcelle Mansour’s “Threshold” Art Exhibition

Was Opened By Mr Tony Issa OAM MP

At Mary MacKillop Place Museum

 Calling For Change

Threshold solo Art Exhibition by Artist Marcelle Mansour was opened by Mr Tony ISSA, OAM MP, Member of the Legislative Assembly, Member for Granville and Member of the Liberal Party on Wednesday, December 10 2014 at Mary MacKillop Place Museum North Sydney. In the presence of The Rev., the Hon Fred Nile, Mr Fred and Mrs Sylvania Nile, Parliamentary Leader Christian Democratic Party, Assistant President NSW Legislative Council; His Excellency Mr George Bitar Ghanem, Consul General Of Lebanon; Rev Fr Michal Zghaib Parish Priest of Sts Michael and Gabriel Antiochian Orthodox Church at Ryde; Rev Fr Fadi Nemme and wife Khourya Meriam Parish Priest of St Michael Antiochian Orthodox Church; Rev and Writer Fr Yousif Jazrawy Parish Priest of St. Mary Assyrian Church of the East Church and Mr Emil Dan, Historian, Consultant and Publisher; from St George Orthodox Cathedral, Redfern.
Also in the presence of members of Mary MacKillop Place Museum who hosts the exhibition including. Sister Bridget Sipa RSJ, Director of Mary MacKillop Place; the Congregational Leader of the Sisters of St Joseph; Sr Monica Cavanagh, Members of the Leadership Team: Sister Louise Reeve, Sisters: Sister Catherine Shelton, Sister Marion Gambin and Sister Maryellen Thomas, Edwina Huntley, the Museum Curator and Christine Richards; Museum Coordinator/Educator and the MC of the evening event.
A number of community Organizations attended including: Dr Alaa Alawadi and his wife Mrs Nadia Alawadi, President of Sawaki for Culture and Arts, Dr Emad Berro and his son Mr Ali Berro, Representative of the Australian Arabic Cultural Centre -Boutros Indari Forum-, Mr Khader Dabeet and his wife Mrs Bertha Dabeet, President of Gaza Orthodox Christian Association of Australia, Mr Joseph Mekary, President, of Association of Zgharta, Mr Maroun Saleh & his wife Mrs Elizabeth Saleh, Representative of, El Marada Australia, Mr Johnny Moreb, Representative of the United Australian Lebanese Movement and  Ms Nevine Iskander, Director of Coptic Orphans Australia, Ms Bahia Betty Abou Hamad – Lawyer and President Of the Arabic Folk Poetry in Australia and the Arab World.
Members of the Australian-Arabic Media, representing Print, Radio, On-Line, and independent: Includes Mr Joseph Khoury, OAM, Editor –In-Chief,  Almrestaqbal (Future) the Lebanese and Arabic Newspaper,  Mr Hani Elturk and his wife Mrs Elizabeth Elturk, Journalist and Editor of the Australian Affairs in El-Telegraph Arabic newspaper, representing El-Telegraph and Alanwar Newspapers, Nadine Chaar Director of Sout Elfarah Radio,  Mrs Colette Paul Sarkis, Media of the Museum and the Palace of Youssef Bey Karam, Poets and Writers: Mr Fouad Neeman El-Khoury and his daughter Ms Lamya El-Khoury, Dr Raghid Nahhas, Mr Sabah Abdul Raman and Mr Haidar Kareem, Other prominent personalities and well respected community members included Dr Yahiya Saleh and his wife Mrs Carol Saleh, Mr Adel El Hassan, Mr Karim Abiad, Mr Alex Abdul Nour Azzouni, Mr Fred Ibrahim, Ramzi Wardini, Mr Paul Shwairy, Mr Patrick Tabbiche, Mr Mazen Elturk, Mr Hanna Tarazi, Mr Richard and Mrs Myrna Kouchoo, Mrs Mandy Farag, Mr and not to forget Mr Maurice Mansour, Christopher and Matthew Mansour
Christine Richards; Museum Coordinator/Educator performed the MC of the evening event.
Sister Bridget Sipa RSJ, Director of Mary MacKillop Place, welcomed and thanked everybody (by name} who attended the opening of the Exhibition and stated in her invaluable speech:”This is an exciting, extraordinary and fitting event to hold this art exhibition, Threshold, on our premises. When Edwina Huntley our curator presented the proposal to hold this art exhibition in the Museum I was immediately energised by the concept presented by Marcelle and in her words ‘I have attempted to use light as a material to impinge the medium of perception. Light is a magical elixir that we experience to recreate our reality in the world through our sensory body.’ Marcelle has presented us with spirituality through art. One of the aims at Mary MacKillop Place is to expose pilgrims to an experience of faith, a deeper understanding of self and our relationship with God, our model of course is St Mary MacKillop. St Mary was always responsive to God’s call and Marcelle in her work is inviting us to do so.”
The Hon Fred Nile, Parliamentary Leader Christian Democratic Party, Assistant President NSW Legislative Council;  spoke few key words and congratulated both Sister Bridget Sipa RSJ, Director of Mary MacKillop Place, the Congregational Leadership team of St Joseph Sisters and the Artist Marcelle Mansour on hosting such a splendid contemporary art exhibition for a considerable period of time. He expressed his respect and wishes for such a spiritual and intellectual exhibition may ensure a harmonious development of national and international peace and tolerance among societies and nations.
Ms. Edwina Huntley, the Museum Curator explained extensively about Threshold art exhibition, its concept and the purpose behind it. She highlighted the importance of having a contemplative contemporary spiritual art. “I am reminded of Kandinsky (1866 –1944) who was an influential Russian painter and art theorist. He was an artist as a prophet whose artworks and colours were primarily concerned with evoking a spiritual resonance.” Edwina said. This kind of art is important for ignition silent meditation. It is an active way of praying that engages the mind, senses, and spirit that designed to transform the inner depth and reflect the mutual respect shared among many Australians and building and strengthening ties between communities. It is a fresh affirmation that we from different origins are called to contribute to creating a more peaceful and juster world.”
Mr. Tony Issa OAM MP made a lengthy speech about Threshold Art Exhibition, which includes 15 artwork pieces that reveal the rich imagination and intellectuality of the artist. Mr. Issa stated that he needs nearly three weeks to talk about all the Artworks and will end up writing a book. Therefore he selected the artwork titled bread of life as an example, for it summarises the artist’s identity that symbolising Jerusalem, the Holy land of Palestine. Mr. Tony Issa stated:“Through her artistic creativity, Marcelle performs a significant role of an ambassador for Palestine in showing the world the big wound of her occupied land and raising her voice, calling for a spiritual transformation and social-political change towards humanistic values of freedom, justice, and peace.”
Moreover, Marcelle understands the challenges immigrants face in coming to a new country and has combined her faith and artistic gifts to become a unifying force amongst the diverse ethnic communities in Australia. Her artwork is universal, consequently appealing to many people and contributing greatly to multiculturalism, spiritual, social, and political harmony.
Marcelle Mansour, the Visual Artist thanked all members of Mary MacKillop Place Museum who are currently hosting and presenting her Solo Art Exhibition for the next nearly four months.  Marcelle thanked all the Sisters by name Bridget Sipa RSJ, Director of Mary MacKillop Place; the Congregational Leader of the Sisters of St Joseph; Sr Monica Cavanagh, Members of the Leadership Team: Sister Louise Reeve, Sisters: Sister Catherine Shelton, Sister Marion Gambin, and Sister Maryellen Thomas. Edwina Huntley, the Museum Curator and Christine Richards, Museum Coordinator/Educator, friends, and staff of Mary MacKillop Place and all members of Australian Arabic speaking backgrounds who attended and made the special event successful. Then Marcelle presented her own Ekphrasis poem of “Spiritual Dialogue with Light” which she specially designed it to describe her spiritual art exhibition of Threshold. Her articulate and true emotional poetry reading was highlighted by the music performance played by the Australian Palestinian talented Nay player Mr. Alex Abdul Nour Azzouni (Architecture Engineer), representing a “truthful” reflection of both artists’ talents.
It is worth mentioning that Threshold Art Exhibition by Marcelle Mansour has been included in Group Show New York City gallery space in March 2014 and was described as “thoughtful and inspiring”. The exhibition also coincides with the world commemorating the centenary of the First World War, along with UN declaring 2014 as the ‘Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People’, Threshold focuses on spiritual and socio-political change, hoping to end the war and to celebrate the rebirth of world peace within justice and democracy.
Rev Fr Michal Zghaib congratulated Marcelle and presented her with an armour award for her “Threshold” artistic work, on behalf of Sts. Michael and Gabriel Church. He thanked her for inviting him to such a contemplative contemporary spiritual art exhibition, which is added to the ones he previously viewed and said: “I am very proud to have Marcelle as one of the Parish members of the church, for her works seem to have more of the divine and transcendental transparency about them which make them a source of inspiration and pride to bringing harmony between people. I will keep praying to God to provide Marcelle with strength and to enlighten her path in life so she can offer more spiritual and humanistic services through her gifted talents and abilities.”He also said. “I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sister Brigitte Director of MMP, Edwina Huntley, Museum Curator and Christine Richards, Museum Educator for their generous offer to present this invaluable exhibition. I would also like to congratulate Marcelle Mansour on her fantastic work and to present to her, a special plaque as a token of appreciation for her creative work.”
Dr. Alaa Alawadi, President of Sawaki for Culture and Arts also presented Marcelle Mansour with an armour award for her continuous artistic services which is currently culminated by Threshold Art Exhibition, accompanied by her creative presentation of her own Ekphrasis poem of “Spiritual Dialogue with Light” in the Museum of Mary MacKillop Place. “I congratulate Marcelle on her remarkable art exhibition and her extraordinary creative piece of the poetic descriptive of visual artwork. It is definitely has a positive purpose behind it to bringing harmony, respect, and peace among people in our Australian society.” He said.
The Exhibition ended with Cake cutting, Refreshments and Champaign were served. The event was very successful for both Mary MacKillop Place members and the artist Marcelle Mansour, which was celebrated with distinguished guests, journalists, community members, and friends.
Threshold Art Exhibition is currently on display at Mary MacKillop Place Museum, 7 Mount Street, North Sydney, Daily 10.00 to 4.00, closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. 11 December 2014 to 30 March 2015. Links:
Marcelle Mansour
10 Dec 2014
Threshold Art Exhibition is currently on display at Mary MacKillop Place Museum, 7 Mount Street, North Sydney, Daily 10.00 to 4.00, closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. 11 December 2014 to 30 March 2015. Links:


Marcelle’s Mansour Artist’s talk is unique and universal, Al Anwar Newspaper 7th March 2015 by Sarkis Karam Please click on link here to read

Also  in Al-ghorba on line please click here to read


Marcelle Mansour’s Threshold Art Exhibition “… changes the way we perceive” is an art review written by Patricia Abbott on Wednesday 25 after having visited the exhibition and attended the Artist’s talk. Please click on al-ghorba online sight, English News to read


An interview published by Anoujoum  Magazine, February 2015  conducted by the English editor Vera Achkar.please click on the link and go to page 18 to read the interview

Marcelle Mansour, Anoujoum Magazine, February 2015

Marcelle Mansour’s “Threshold” Art Exhibition Was Opened By Mr Tony Issa OAM MP At Mary MacKillop Place Museum

 Calling For Change : Please click on the link to read

Marcelle Mansour’s “Threshold” Art Exhibition at Mary MacKillop Place Museum 10 Dec 2014

Al- anwar  April 2013: THRESHOLD Solo Art Exhibition by Marcelle Mansour ………… Marcelle says “Gauze originated in Gaza to heal the world’s wounds but the world can’t heal Gaza.” Please click on the link to read

THRESHOLD Solo Art Exhibition by Marcelle Mansour, Al-Anwar April 2014

Marcelle Mansour’s Threshold Art of Light and Perception Exhibition at Bankstown Art Centre April 2, 2015, The Middle East Times International Magazine.§ion=7&newsid=768&offset=0

Marcelle Mansour’s Thrteshold Art Exhibition of Light and Perception, at Bankstown Art Centre, April 2nd, 2015, The Middle East Times International Magazine


Marcelle Mansour’s “THRESHOLD” Art Exhibition to be opened at Bankstown Arts Centre by the Ambassador The Torch Newspaper April 2014


Marcelle Mansour's Threshhold Art Exhibition to br opened at Bankstown Arts Centr by the Ambassador The Torch Newspaper April 20124


Here is a really moving article by Marcelle Mansour in Al-Ghorba, Arabic News Sydney

Gittoes’ large abstracts are full of the beauty of nature; his ‘Starry Garden’ was painted with the Vincent and Monet on the artist’s mind. Gittoes’ monkeys (Van Gogh portraits) are metaphors for the artist that express humanity, morality and meaning that bring viewers back to the 1888‘s Vincent in Arles and another 2000 years to the era of Jalalabad, Sufism, and Buddhism.

Here is the link to an article by Marcelle Mansour in Al-Ghorba Arabic News Sydney.

GG at Snow Monkey 31-7-2014














Marcelle Mansour’s Shifting Waves Art Exhibition and book Launch in 1998 at Parliament of NSW


Annual Report 1999

The Hon Edward Obeid, MLC sponsored an exhibition entitled Shifting Waves, created by the artist Marcelle Mansour, which dealt with the experiences of Arabic migrants in Australia. The exhibition was based on three major themes of Shifting Hearts, Shifting Views and Shifting Souls. Featuring a series of 16 portraits of successful Arabic speaking migrants and Australian born Arabic speakers who have contributed to building and shaping Australian multicultural society, it was accompanied with brief autobiographies and captions of their thoughts.

PAGE 44                                               DEPARTMENT OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT 199899

Message from The Premier, The Hon Bob Carr MP for Marcelle Mansour’s Shifting Waves Art Exhibition in 1998

Congratulations to Marcelle Mansour on the launch of her exhibition , Shifting Waves, in which she uses the arts to present the theme of migration.

Shifting Waves, Page 2 © Marcelle Mansour 1998

New South Wales is the most culturally diverse state in Australia and the lives and experience of individual immigrants are an integral and valued part of our society.

Through painting and poetry, Marcelle Mansour has provided us with a sense of the migration experience with a focus on people of Arabic-speaking background in New South Wales.  Arabic-speakers are the second largest language group in this State, after English.

However, the exhibition is not only a tribute to the achievements of migrants of Arabic-speaking background.  It is also a message to current and future generations and their contributions to the development of this country.

The Shifting Waves exhibition celebrates the commonalities and the diversity of individual migrant experience in three sections: Shifting Souls, Shifting Hearts and Shifting Views.  Using portraits of prominent individuals, experiences of women and links to the land, the exhibition recognizes the search for opportunity, and the ability to learn by looking at the past, the present and the future.

On behalf of the New South Wales Government, I extend to Marcelle Mansour best wishes and success for her thought provoking exhibition.

Bob Carr



Message from The Hon Philip Ruddock MP, Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs for Marcelle Mansour’s Shifting Waves Art Exhibition in 1998

I congratulate Marcelle Mansour and the friends and supporters of the Shifting Waves Art Exhibition on their initiative in bringing to the Australian public examples of the outstanding artistic heritage of people from Arabic speaking backgrounds.


In contemplating the exhibition’s themes of ‘waves’ and the sea, patrons are reminded of how the ocean has long provided a backdrop to the hundreds of thousands of migrants who have made Australia their home. We are reminded, for example, of the First Fleet, which brought to our shores Jews, Malays, a West Indian, a Greek, Italians, and people from various other parts of Europe.  And we are reminded of the hey-day of the migrant ships – the years following World War 2 – when ‘waves’ of individuals came with their dreams and a determination to work hard for the betterment of themselves and those who came after them.

Linguistically diverse and sometimes living tentatively in small groups while they put down roots in a new land, they persevered, prospered and now celebrate Australia’s heritage as part of their own.  They and those who have followed – whether by sea or air – have been part of transforming Australia into a modern, tolerant and harmonious society.  They understand that what unites our culturally diverse society is not necessarily a common birthplace, but a commitment to the things we value as a united Australia.

It comes as a cruel irony nowadays to hear an intolerant few blaming migrants for many of the nation’s ills, suggesting that potential migrants should be assessed to ensure they ‘want to be Australian’.  Such propositions neglect the lessons of our past, are intoler5ant and damage Australia’s interests.

That is why exhibitions such as Shifting Waves play an important role in demonstrating to the world that multiculturalism is not just an abstract sociological concept, but a fact of life with tangible, positive outcomes.  Through such initiatives, Australians from all backgrounds can learn more about the cultural heritage of their neighbours.  This, in turn, creates mutual respect and strengthens the social fabric of our society.

The 2000 Olympics will provide Australia with the opportunity to demonstrate to the world that we are one of the most successful culturally diverse nations in modern history.  Indeed, it is widely believed that Sydney’s success in gaining the Olympics was due in part to the way we have recognized and built on the economic, cultural and linguistic resources contributed by our Arabic and other ethnic communities under the umbrella of a broad national identity.

I commend the Shifting Waves Art Exhibition as a thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding experience, send my best wishes to all those involved in staging it and offer my congratulations to Marcelle Mansour and the subjects of her artistic endeavors.

Philip Ruddock


Su Baker, Senior Lecturer, the University of Sydney, SCA,  PREFACE

Shifting-Waves-Page-6-©-Marcelle-Mansour-1998  Shifting-Waves-Page-7-©-Marcelle-Mansour-1998

“Shifting Waves “

How are new communities created and maintained in a foreign land?  How does a foreign land become home?  Stories from home provide an affirmation of a culture displaced from its source.  The active and imaginative reinvention of values appropriate to the new context helps to establish a local cultural context.  In this process there is an effort to maintain aspects of the homeland more self-consciously and with greater purpose than would be expected at ‘home ‘, to formalize relations and to reinforce their symbolic force.  These community and individual efforts create a home away from home for those who feel the loss and a new beginning for those who come later.

Marcelle Mansour presents to us here an exhibition of paintings on the theme of migration celebrating the experiences and successes of migrants of Arab descent.  This is a celebration of the achievements of these people through a series of portraits.

Migration is about communities, about leaving the familiar and establishing a new place and a new community, Historically human populations are subject to shifts and flows, at times based in specific localities for extended period, other groups moving across territories over time or in a hurry, either through choices, such as trade or necessity, as an effect of war or political unrest.  In different ways empires of one sort or another set out to spread their influence and to gain an advantage, thus reaping the wealth from its conquests.  Communities of individuals shift and relocate with less force and with a purpose based on optimism, a hope for greater prosperity and well-being.

Globalization is with us and the increasing movement of people across the world is changing the nature of national borders as both capital and political power become more fluid and dislocated from particular cultural sites.  In this present context, where these issues are impacting in lives of people all over the world the question about how we should live together becomes critical and their discussion is urgently required.

With Australia in the process of defining itself for the next millennium, it must be recognized that its people are its people are its greatest natural resource.  Reconciliation with the indigenous people of Australia and the continuing embrace and recognition of the richness and complexity of a diverse culture, could if properly supported be an example to the world of the capacity for cultural change to have a positive and enriching outcome

The Paintings, Shifting Souls

This series of works has been created to recognize the success of a group of migrants of Arabic descent who have contributed to the enterprise of building and shaping the Australian culture.  Undertaken with the traditional purpose of portraiture, this project pays tribute to and celebrates those who influence and enhance life for a community and who represent their aspirations through these achievements.

Marcelle Mansour embraces these intentions; hers is a directly constructive role, the creation of a community of leaders who act as role models and foster pride and confidence so important for a cohesive community.  The importance of leadership should never be underestimated.   Leaders are those who can inspire a common purpose, whose empathy with the community needs and feelings provide a focal point in the process of overcoming the inevitable difficulties of change.

A portrait is not just a likeness.  The painted face is an infusion of meaning through the act of painting of one personality (the sitter) with another (the artist).  Through painting, through translating what she sees the artist here projects her own presence, desires and personal power onto these subjects?  It seems these are as many portraits of the artist Marcelle Mansour; as well they might be with her unequivocal desire for the well-being of her community, the affirmation of her culture through the work and achievements of these community leaders.  The gaze of the sitter looks directly at us, or at least at us through the subjectivity of the artist.  We feel the empathy, affirmation, and pride.  There are a powerful compassion and sense of shared enterprise that unites these portraits.

In the history of art traditions of portrait painting have many stylistic legacies, such as the reverent portrayal of respected citizens of revered leaders; personal tributes and intimate homage to loved ones and family, and as an acknowledgment of those people significant in the life of the artist.  Often a portrait is an opportunity for the artists to demonstrate their skills or to explore the limits of the medium in an experimental way.  In the work in this exhibition, Marcelle Mansour has brought with her passion and commitment to this project the enthusiasm and energy characteristic of her passion and commitment to this project the enthusiasm and energy characteristic of her other love, poetry.  Evident in this work is a direct spirit that comes to us with a formidable force, bringing with it to the new home the rich passions of the homeland and the energy of transformation inherent in the migration process.

The other part of this exhibition Shifting Hearts and Shifting Views tell the story of the emotional and geographic shifts, transitions and relocations.  In Shifting Hearts just as artists such a Mexican Freda Kahlo used the folk traditions from her culture combined with the image modes of the traditional western painting so Marcelle Mansour explores the poetic side to herself to portray the imaginary and symbolic power of her experiences as a woman, with the purpose of presenting some universal experiences she identifies with and aspirations for a hoped unity and harmony in the world.

Shifting Views explores the world of nature as much as a metaphor for a journey through our intellect and imagination as for its reference to the real changes of location the geographic shifts from place to place and the inevitable identification with the old and the new homelands.  These paintings represent a naïve and innocent view of the world one full of promise.

Self-taught in the skills of painting, Marcelle Mansour has had professional experience in the communication mediums such as newspaper, radio, and television; she is a highly committed community artist, working with energy and compassion to increase the integration of her family and herself into the new context in NSW.  Her voice comes through here in the paintings and through her poetry.

The voice that speaks for Australia should come from within and as part of this self-realization process that we are continuously undergoing.  If this means that we hear a clamoring of different messages and interests then this is the very essence of new society and we will find out of that sound the emergence of a cultural voice with which we will identify.

This quest for a unitary national identity is an interesting problem.  Australia can be characterized by one national identity in that we are people from different places living together in common purpose.  Our different histories and cultural experiences can be celebrated as our great strength.  It is this common purpose that matters and as such needs to be enshrined in a Bill of Rights, representing common values and aspirations which will, in turn, form the new basis of national character.

It is a surprise to me to be reaffirming a commitment to a culturally diverse society – for so long it has been considered by many as a given, as an assumed benefit which we all recognize as being to our collective advantage.  However, if it is necessary to again overtly embrace the diverse cultural constitution of this modern Australia, then we must do it loudly and here we can do so with pleasure.  It is through exhibitions such as these that we have opportunities to celebrate the richness and strength of our cultural fabric.


Appreciation by Dr Barry Spurr, Senior Lecturer in English, The University of Sydney

To Marcelle Mansour’s Poetry in Shifting Waves Art Exhibition in 1998

Appreciation by Dr Barry Spurr, Senior Lecturer in English, Sydney University to Marcelle Mansour’s Poetry in Shifting Waves Art Exhibition in 1998

In Marcelle Mansour’s poems.  ‘ The Voice of Liberation ‘, ‘ Motherhood ‘, ‘ Career ‘ and  ‘ Arabella Romance ‘, different facets of the speaker’s experience as an Australian-Palestinian woman are revealed.  As well, Mansour’s expertise as a painter vivifies these works with vivid visual allusions.  In ‘Voice of Liberation ‘, for example, the beauty of the Sydney seascape, where ‘ golden lights sparkle ‘ on ‘ all beaches and seashores ‘ is discovered in a tension with ‘ the green of Palestine ‘ .

‘Motherhood ‘has a similar first line to ‘Voice of Liberation ‘, again evoking the painterly qualities of this poetry:

I paint my heart with a brush of love.

The reconciliation of the origins of the woman with her new Australian home is achieved in’ a new baby born ‘, but not too seriously, as ‘ Aussie Vegemite ‘ loves ‘ Arabic loaf ‘ .

The third poem in the sequence, ‘ Career ‘, is fraught with the difficulties of that quest ‘ to win the battle of life ‘ .  Such striking imagery as ‘ the dollar moulds time ‘ , for example, makes this a disturbing work, encapsulating the trials and triumphs of the migrant experience.

Finally, ‘ Arabella Romance ‘ has a flavorsome quality of Arabic names- she is , after all, ‘ the Eastern woman ‘ – some tender imagery, ‘ we are trembling and fearful like injured birds ‘, but a resolving happiness :

We take the world together and we are one.

Marcelle Mansour has a sure poetic gift , movingly complimenting her visual artistry.

Dr Barry Spurr

Lex Marinos,   Director of Carnival,   RORWORD


One of the pleasures of being Director of Carnivale is the opportunity to be exposed to many different forms of art, inspired by many different cultural heritages.  Carnival itself provides the focal point for the artistic aspirations of these diverse communities and artists from those communities within NSW. Having previously seen an exhibition Marcelle curated and contributed to at the Australian Museum, it now gives me great pleasure to see her work being displayed at NSW Parliament House.  It is a timely reminder that the strength of democracy is in its ability to treat individuals fairly.  In a country such as Australia, and particularly within its most populous state, the necessity to continually and constructively examine our identity as a united people, is a challenge that underlines the importance of our artists.

It is through their vision that we are shown new ways of looking at ourselves, and as we become more confident of the image we present to one another, so we become more confident of the image we present to the rest of the world.  It is as we share our stories that we learn more about one another, and I believe the great discovery that we make is that, paradoxically, we are united by our differences.  That is to say that the more we understand our cultural difference, the more we also understand the human qualities that unite us as people.  Indeed this is the process of art itself.

As Marcelle creates work from her own individual experience, she transmits a message that is universal.  This exhibition and book gives us further insight into Arabic culture as it is developed in NSW, engaging as it does with questions of migration and settlement, emphasizing the important role that women maintain within our various communities, and the ongoing redefinition of our physical and spiritual home.


Paintings from the Heart by Gabrielle Dalton, Art Historian, Critic, Sydney 1998

In these works, Marcelle Mansour demonstrates her talent for portraiture, as well as a fine sensibility to the landscape.

In Shifting Souls, her portrait series, the medium used is pastel, executed directly onto mounted paper boards.  This method is brave indeed, as it allows mo room for error-the likeness must be quickly sketched during a single sitting. While using a stylized realism Marcelle has nevertheless brought to each portrait an impression of the individual character and the personality of each sitter. They reflect a pride of personal achievement, as well as a suggestion of the essential element of Arabic heritage.

Shifting Hearts move much closer to graphic design, with the stylized faces of universalized woman, depicted with tight control of color and line. They are intended to have a poster-like quality and act as a vehicle for the artist’s literary outpourings. In these, she says she comes closest to releasing her inner self.  That self is one which celebrates a multi-faceted woman, though one that remains deeply committed to the traditional centrality of women to home and heart.

Shifting Views are the landscapes of her experience. Those that are executed in acrylic on canvas follow her strength for the clear-cut line, and well-defined color, reflecting a mixture of subconscious influenced from the French Impressionists to contemporary poster art. While, the pastel works display less deliberate control, allowing imaginative release for both artist and viewer, where shadow and light play into strange dreamlike arabesques of the imaginative interplay between the real and the imagined.

The central motif to all Marcelle Mansur’s work is a striving for a controlled, warm and vibrant unity.    For, she values more highly than anything else- the creative forces which unify and heal.


A Palestinian-Australian. Poet-Painter, Poet, Journalist and Artist, Sydney 1998

By Anne Fairbairn AM, Poet, Journalist and Artist, Sydney 1998

Marcelle Mansour’s creative energy is so intense that when I first met her I thought I had been whipped knot a whirlwind. Marcelle’s soul is seared by the on-going tragedy of her former homeland, the like of which few Australians have ever experienced.  She has a burning desire to express her feelings about the suffering she has witnessed and the peace she has found here in Australia.  She expresses these feeling with living images from the powerful strokes of her brush and the lively nib of her pen.

Her Shifting Souls’ portraits of distinguished Australian of Arab origin, her ‘Shifting Hearts’ images of the multiple roles of women and her “Shifting Views”’ landscapes are powerful examples of the Naïve School.  She wields her brush like a scalpel, honing her subjects-people or landscaper- to their essence.  I particularly enjoy her water views.  The Nile with its open-winged flukes breasting the timeless current remind me of my recent visit to Cairo and my evening with Naquin Mahfouz and his friends on Farah Boat on the Nile. I also admire her painting of a Queensland Bay with its clean space and crisp, clear edges. These paintings fill me with sense of peace, something I am aware all Arabs dream of for their former homelands.

Her free poems are simple yet quietly evocative.  Through her poetry Marcelle has become a passionate voice in Australia for the liberation of the human spirit and of her beloved Palestine:

… The cause of Jerusalem sighs

Its holy scent fills my soul…

Marcelle uses her pen like her brush, crating vivid images:

…I am stepping over the swirling water                                                                                                                                                               crossing the seas, lakes and oceans

Fast and confident are my expanding strides

My neck stretches longer, my eyes aspire higher

My poppy grows taller…reaching perfection

I am the women of the nineties…

Above all Marcelle Mansur’s poetry carries a personal message of love.  All Australian will appreciate the courageous creative energy she is bringing to Australia through her painting and her poetry.


What was said about Shifting Waves’ Art Exhibition and book by Marcelle Mansour, that coincided with the Olympics, and lunched at the Parliament of NSW in 998

  • “…the exhibition is not only a tribute to the achievement of migrants of ‘Arabic-speaking background. It is also a message to current and future generations of the motivations and inspirations of members of our culturally diverse community and their contributions to the development of this country. “

The Premier, The Hon Bob Carr MP

  • “…exhibitions such as Shifting Waves play an important role in demonstrating to the world that multiculturalism is not just an abstract sociological concept, with a fact of life with tangible, positive outcomes.”

The Hon. Philip Ruddock MP, Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs

  • “…as Marcelle creates work from her own individual experience, she transmits a massage that is universal. This exhibition and book gives us further insight into Arabic culture as it is developed in NSW.”

Lex Marinos, Director, Carnival

  • “We feel the empathy, affirmation, and pride as there is a powerful complementing her visual artistry.”

Su Baker, Senior Lecturer, Sydney College for the Arts, The University of Sydney

  • “These paintings fill me with a sense of peace…” “ Through her poetry Marcelle has become a passionate voice in Australia for the liberation of human spirit…”

Anne Fairbairn  AM, Poet, Journalist and Artist

  • “Marcelle’s poetry is as fresh qs the seas she crosses, profound as her spirituality, tender as her love for her children, innocent as her struggle for peace! “

Beatriz Copello ,  NESB Poet, Executive , the writer’s Centre

  • “…for, Marcelle values – more highly than anything else – the creative forces which unify and heal, “

Gabrielle Dalton, Art Historian and Critic

  • “ Marcelle Mansour’s exhibition Shifting Waves is a powerful expression of an artist with extraordinary energy, sensitivity and dedication. Personal vision has been transformed into universal meaning.”

Josonia Palaitis , Prominent Australian  Portraiture Artist.


Hansard at the Parliament House of NSW by The Hon James Samios, Australian Palestinian Art Exhibition by Marcelle Mansour This is the link of the speech of Hon James Samios at the Parliament of  NSW

Legislative Council Hansard – 20 May 1997

The Hon James Samios, Marcelle Mansour, The Australian Palestinian Club

Legislative Council Hansard – 20 May 1997


Marcelle Mansour‘s Shifting Waves Art Exhibition, Story Telling in the Form of Art, Northern District Times, Life Times, Your Weekly Lifestyle Section, Vol, 55, No 34. Wednesday, August 26, 1998.




Images of Wisdom through Art of Young Palestinians by Marcelle Mansour. An Art Exhibition by Community Visual artist Marcelle Mansour. Article by Marisa Cano, Ambitious Friends, Art & culture magazine, Vol 4 issue 1 Autumn 1997.

Images of Wisdom Art Exhibition by Community Artist Marcelle Mansour 1997, Ambitious Friends, Art & Culture Magazine, Vol 4 issue 1 , 1997

Marcelle Mansour's Images of Wisdom, Australian Musum 1997, - Copy - Copy


Marcelle Mansour’s Solo Art Exhibition in 1997, at the Front Page of Parramatta Advertiser, Holroyd Edition. Vol 78, No 2.  Wednesday, October 15, 1997.

Marcelle Mansour - Copy


Marcelle Mansour’s Images of Wisdom and Past Present & Future.  Art exhibition in Australian Artist Magazine, Arts in Action, Issue No. 147, September 1996, Volume Thirteen, Number Three. Page 10.

Marcelle Mansour's Images of Wisdom intervewed by the Australian Artist Magazine in Artists in Action Issue No 107 Page 10, Sep 1996


Marcelle Mansdour’s  Solo Art Exhibition in 1992 at the Front Page of the local newspaper, Northern District Times, Cumberland Newspaper Group. Vol 49, No 37 . Wednesday , August 26, 1992.

  1. Marcelle Mansour (2)